Ukraine's Roadmap for AI Regulation: Following in the Footsteps of the EU AI Act

Ukraine is taking a significant step towards regulating AI-based industries by following the European Union's lead. Inspired by the EU AI Act, Ukraine has unveiled its own roadmap for creating concrete rules and regulations for AI and AI-related industries, including cryptocurrency. In this article, we will explore the EU AI Act and delve into Ukraine's plan, or 'roadmap,' to understand how it aims to foster ethical AI use and minimize associated risks. Let's dive in!

Understanding the EU AI Act

Explore the significance of the EU AI Act and its impact on AI regulation in Europe.

The EU AI Act, published in June this year, marks a groundbreaking step towards AI regulation. By establishing unified rules for AI development, marketing, and use, it aims to position Europe as a global leader in reliable AI.

Under the EU AI Act, certain AI services and products will be limited or prohibited, while others will be outright banned. Technologies such as biometric monitoring, social scoring systems, and untargeted facial recognition will face strict regulations.

However, generative AI models like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard will be permitted to run if their outputs are clearly marked as AI-generated. This act sets the stage for ethical and responsible AI use in Europe.

Ukraine's Plan: A Roadmap for AI Regulation

Discover Ukraine's roadmap for AI regulation and its alignment with the EU AI Act.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation has unveiled a comprehensive roadmap for AI regulation, inspired by the EU AI Act. This roadmap aims to assist local businesses in preparing for the implementation of AI regulations and minimizing associated risks.

Ukraine's plan follows a bottom-up methodology, gradually moving from less to more regulation. It includes a trial period of 2-3 years to allow businesses to adjust to potential rules before they are officially passed into law.

The Ministry also encourages company self-regulation through the adoption of voluntary codes of standards and behavior. A White Paper has been created to provide firms with a clear understanding of the strategy, timeline, and phases of regulation implementation.

Fostering Ethical AI Use

Learn how the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation aims to foster ethical AI use through self-regulation and industry collaboration.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation is committed to fostering ethical AI use among businesses. One approach is through company self-regulation, where firms can demonstrate their ethical usage of AI by adopting voluntary codes of standards and behavior.

Additionally, the Ministry aims to create a collaborative platform where businesses can share best practices and discuss challenges related to AI regulation. This platform will provide valuable guidance and support as companies navigate the evolving regulatory landscape.

Furthermore, the Ministry plans to host training courses and workshops to educate businesses on the ethical and responsible use of AI technologies. By equipping businesses with the necessary knowledge and resources, Ukraine aims to ensure that they are prepared for the upcoming AI regulations.

The Vision of the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation

Discover the vision of the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation and its commitment to creating a robust AI regulatory framework.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation envisions a future where AI is harnessed responsibly and ethically. To achieve this, they are focused on creating a robust AI regulatory framework that promotes transparency, accountability, and trust.

In addition to regulation, the Ministry aims to provide a forum for collaboration among businesses, allowing them to share best practices and address challenges together. They also plan to host training courses and workshops to ensure businesses are well-prepared for the implementation of AI regulations.

While the development of Ukrainian AI legislation is anticipated in 2024, it will align with the EU AI Act, ensuring a harmonized approach to AI regulation in Europe.


Ukraine's roadmap for AI regulation, inspired by the EU AI Act, is a significant step towards creating a concrete set of rules for AI-based industries. By aligning with the EU's approach, Ukraine aims to foster ethical AI use and minimize associated risks.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation's vision of creating a collaborative platform for businesses and providing training courses and workshops demonstrates their commitment to preparing companies for the upcoming AI regulations.

With the development of Ukrainian AI legislation anticipated in 2024, Ukraine is poised to establish a harmonized approach to AI regulation in Europe, ensuring responsible and transparent AI use.

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