Tech Trends 2024: Unveiling the Future of AI, Spatial Computing, and More

Get ready to dive into the future of technology! Info-Tech Research Group's highly anticipated Tech Trends 2024 report is here to unveil the exciting advancements that await us. From the disruptive effects of generative AI to the revolutionary potential of spatial computing, this report explores the six pivotal AI-centric trends that will shape the coming year. Join us as we navigate the transformative innovations and ethical considerations that IT leaders must navigate in this rapidly evolving technological landscape.

AI-Driven Business Models

Explore the commercialization of AI models and their impact on business strategies.

AI-driven business models are revolutionizing industries across the globe. By leveraging the power of accurate predictions, organizations can unlock new revenue streams and optimize their operations. According to Info-Tech's Future of IT survey, 66% of companies investing in AI expect positive impacts on their business. With AI driving strategic aspects such as business analytics and risk identification, it's clear that AI will define business strategy by the end of 2024.

As AI becomes the product itself, organizations need to adapt to this transformative trend. By harnessing the potential of AI-driven business models, technology leaders can stay ahead of the curve and create a competitive advantage in the market.

Autonomized Back Office

Discover how generative AI is automating operational tasks and improving efficiency.

The role of IT in autonomizing business systems has been redefined with generative AI. With the ability to automate a wide range of tasks, AI models are revolutionizing operational efficiency. Organizations are keen to adopt new generative AI features, with 47% interested in beta access or when generally available.

AI is already being used to automate repetitive, low-level tasks, and by 2024, 45% of organizations plan to leverage AI for automation. The focus is on automating tasks rather than augmenting operational staff in decision-making processes. By embracing AI's potential in the back office, organizations can streamline operations and drive greater efficiency.

Spatial Computing

Unleash the power of spatial computing and its impact on user interactions.

Spatial computing is bridging the gap between the digital and physical worlds, revolutionizing user interactions. By employing natural interactions like gestures, voice, and gaze, users can engage with digital content in their surroundings. Info-Tech's research shows that AI adopters are 42% more interested in using generative AI-based interfaces.

While mixed reality headsets are gaining attention, organizations are exploring generative AI interfaces that enable spatial computing applications without the need for headsets. As this technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for immersive and intuitive user experiences are endless.

Responsible AI

Understand the importance of responsible AI governance and compliance.

As AI continues to advance, responsible AI governance becomes a critical consideration. Organizations must navigate the ethical implications and mitigate risks associated with AI's potential misuse. According to Info-Tech's Future of IT survey, one in three AI adopters believe that the CIO should be responsible for AI governance.

While regulations may take time to catch up, organizations can adopt responsible AI frameworks to ensure compliance and mitigate future risks. By taking proactive measures, organizations can build trust, protect data, and navigate the evolving landscape of AI responsibly.

Security by Design

Prioritize cybersecurity by integrating security measures from the start.

In the era of AI, security is a top priority. By integrating security measures from the inception of software development, organizations can build robust defenses against emerging threats. According to Info-Tech's Tech Trends 2024 report, the majority of organizations plan to increase their cybersecurity budget, with a focus on security awareness and training.

AI brings new threat vectors, and addressing cybersecurity at its root is crucial. By prioritizing proactive cybersecurity measures, organizations can protect their assets, data, and reputation in an increasingly digital world.

Digital Sovereignty

Explore the importance of digital sovereignty and protecting data rights.

In the age of advanced technologies, digital sovereignty is paramount. As generative AI technologies scrape the web for data, organizations are questioning who truly owns and controls that data. Protecting data rights and preserving digital sovereignty are key considerations for organizations.

As courts and lawmakers catch up with the capabilities of generative AI, organizations must set up infrastructure and deploy protections to prevent third-party AIs from training on their data. By safeguarding digital sovereignty, organizations can maintain control over their data and ensure compliance with evolving regulations.


The Tech Trends 2024 report by Info-Tech Research Group provides invaluable insights into the future of technology. From AI-driven business models to spatial computing, the report highlights the transformative power of emerging technologies. As organizations embrace AI, it is crucial to prioritize responsible AI governance, integrate security by design, and protect digital sovereignty. By staying ahead of these trends, organizations can unlock new opportunities and navigate the evolving technological landscape with confidence.


What industries will be impacted by AI-driven business models?

AI-driven business models will impact industries across the board, from healthcare and finance to manufacturing and education. The commercialization of AI predictions will revolutionize business strategies and open up new revenue streams.

How can organizations ensure responsible AI governance?

Organizations can ensure responsible AI governance by adopting frameworks that prioritize ethics, compliance, and accountability. The CIO and relevant committees or work groups should be responsible for overseeing AI governance and mitigating risks.

Why is cybersecurity by design important in the era of AI?

In the era of AI, cybersecurity by design is crucial to protect organizations from emerging threats. By integrating security measures from the start, organizations can build robust defenses and safeguard their assets, data, and reputation.

What is the significance of digital sovereignty?

Digital sovereignty is of utmost importance in the age of advanced technologies. Organizations must protect their data rights and maintain control over their digital identity to prevent third-party AIs from training on their data.

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