How Investors Can Help Restore Biodiversity and Support Sustainability

In a world facing rapid biodiversity decline, it is essential to explore ways to reverse this trend and support sustainability. One of the most effective strategies is to change our habits, particularly by reducing meat consumption. Additionally, trade can contribute to restoring biodiversity by allowing land to recover through the allocation of agricultural production to different areas. At the recent Sustainability in Practice conference at the University of Oxford, Michael Obersteiner, a professor of global change and sustainability, highlighted the positive role investors can play in mitigating biodiversity loss. This article will delve into the potential of high-yield agriculture and laboratory-produced foods in supporting sustainability and restoring nature. Join us on this journey to understand how investors can make a difference and create a more biodiverse future.

The Power of Plant-Based and Laboratory-Produced Foods

Explore the potential of plant-based and laboratory-produced foods in supporting sustainability and restoring biodiversity.

Plant-based and laboratory-produced foods hold immense potential in addressing the environmental challenges we face today. By substituting meat products with these alternatives, we can reclaim two-thirds of agriculture and allocate it back to nature. This shift not only reduces the pressure on land and water resources but also decreases greenhouse gas emissions and mitigates deforestation.

Moreover, these innovative food options offer a sustainable solution to the increasing global demand for protein. High-yield agriculture and laboratory production methods can provide a reliable and efficient source of nutrition while minimizing the ecological footprint. As investors, understanding the significance of these advancements can guide us in supporting companies that prioritize sustainability and contribute to restoring biodiversity.

The Role of Trade in Restoring Biodiversity

Discover how trade can play a crucial role in restoring biodiversity by allowing land to recover and reallocating agricultural production.

Trade plays a vital role in the restoration of biodiversity by enabling the recovery of land through the allocation of agricultural production to different regions. By diversifying the sources of agricultural products, we can reduce the strain on specific areas and promote ecosystem regeneration.

For instance, by sourcing commodities such as palm oil, soy, and beef from sustainable and legally compliant producers, we can discourage illegal farming practices that contribute to deforestation and habitat destruction. This approach requires tracing supply chains, identifying responsible companies, and supporting sustainable trade practices.

Investors can make a significant impact by directing capital towards companies that prioritize sustainable sourcing and trade. By supporting these initiatives, we contribute to the restoration of damaged ecosystems and the protection of biodiversity on a global scale.

The Challenges and Opportunities for Investors

Explore the challenges and opportunities faced by investors in supporting biodiversity and sustainability.

Investing in companies that prioritize biodiversity and sustainability presents unique challenges. The majority of corporate activities have a negative impact on nature, making it difficult to find nature-positive companies to invest in. However, there is an opportunity for investors to reduce nature loss by focusing on damage reduction and pragmatic approaches.

One of the challenges lies in determining materiality and developing comprehensive models for assessing biodiversity-related risks. Unlike climate change, where emissions reduction is the primary focus, biodiversity encompasses a wide range of factors such as waste management, land conversion, and water usage. Integrating data at a sector level and identifying underlying drivers of biodiversity loss can help investors make informed decisions and support companies that are actively working towards nature restoration.

As the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures develops a biodiversity framework, investors need to be prepared to align their strategies with the 11 core metrics outlined. By embracing a pragmatic approach and integrating biodiversity considerations into investment decisions, we can contribute to a greener economy and a more biodiverse future.


Investors have a crucial role to play in restoring biodiversity and supporting sustainability. By embracing innovative solutions such as plant-based and laboratory-produced foods, we can reclaim agricultural land and reduce the environmental impact of food production. Trade also offers opportunities to restore biodiversity by diversifying sourcing and supporting sustainable practices.

However, investing in biodiversity and sustainability comes with its challenges. Finding nature-positive companies and assessing biodiversity-related risks require comprehensive models and sector-level data integration. Nevertheless, by adopting a pragmatic approach and aligning with the emerging biodiversity framework, investors can contribute to a greener economy and a more biodiverse future.

Let us seize this opportunity to make a positive impact and support companies that prioritize nature restoration. Together, we can create a sustainable future for both humanity and the planet.


How can plant-based and laboratory-produced foods contribute to biodiversity restoration?

Plant-based and laboratory-produced foods offer a sustainable alternative to traditional meat products. By substituting meat with these alternatives, we can reduce the pressure on land and water resources, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, and mitigate deforestation. This shift allows us to reclaim agricultural land and allocate it back to nature, supporting biodiversity restoration.

What role does trade play in restoring biodiversity?

Trade plays a crucial role in restoring biodiversity by enabling the recovery of land through the allocation of agricultural production to different regions. By diversifying sourcing and supporting sustainable trade practices, we can reduce the strain on specific areas and promote ecosystem regeneration. Responsible sourcing of commodities like palm oil, soy, and beef can discourage illegal farming practices that contribute to deforestation and habitat destruction.

What are the challenges for investors in supporting biodiversity?

Investing in biodiversity presents challenges, as the majority of corporate activities have a negative impact on nature. Finding nature-positive companies and assessing biodiversity-related risks require comprehensive models and sector-level data integration. However, by focusing on damage reduction and pragmatic approaches, investors can contribute to reducing nature loss and supporting companies actively working towards nature restoration.

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