Discover the Latest Tech Trends at the Annual Tech Expo

The annual Tech Expo, hosted by the 31st Communications Squadron, provides a unique opportunity for base personnel to stay updated on the latest technology trends. This free event, held at Aviano Air Base, Italy, brings together industry experts and showcases emerging technologies that can improve mission efficiency. Join us at La Bella Vista on November 8, 2023, to discover the future of technology and network with like-minded professionals.

Explore a Wide Range of Exhibitors

Discover the diverse exhibitors at the Tech Expo and learn about their innovative IT technologies, solutions, and products.

The Tech Expo brings together 217 exhibitors from Europe and the United States, offering a wide range of cutting-edge technologies. From rapidly deployable shelters to data management clouds, there is something for everyone.

Take a guided tour to preview the exhibits and engage with industry experts. This is a unique opportunity to network with exhibitors and explore how their products can enhance your workspace.

Enhance Mission Efficiency with Emerging Technologies

Learn how the latest technologies showcased at the Tech Expo can help improve mission efficiency and streamline operations.

Discover how emerging technologies can revolutionize your work environment. From night vision to mobile fuel tanks, these innovations offer practical solutions to everyday challenges.

Explore the benefits of dock and lock laptop security cabinets, which provide a secure storage solution for your devices. With these technologies, you can optimize your workflow and focus on the mission at hand.

Connect with Industry Leaders and Troubleshoot

Engage in meaningful conversations with industry leaders, troubleshoot issues, and find solutions to enhance your workspaces.

The Tech Expo provides a platform for Airmen to connect directly with industry leaders. Engage in conversations, troubleshoot challenges, and discover technologies that can make your job easier.

Industry representatives are available to visit shops and offices to provide demonstrations and troubleshoot equipment issues. Take advantage of this opportunity to find solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Maximize Your Workspace with Innovative Solutions

Discover innovative solutions at the Tech Expo that can maximize your workspace and improve productivity.

Find solutions that can optimize your workspace and improve productivity. Explore technologies such as rapidly deployable shelters that provide flexible work environments, and data management clouds that streamline information sharing.

With the latest innovations showcased at the Tech Expo, you can enhance collaboration, streamline processes, and create a more efficient work environment.


The annual Tech Expo at Aviano Air Base provides a valuable opportunity for base personnel to stay updated on the latest technology trends and explore innovative solutions. With a wide range of exhibitors showcasing cutting-edge technologies, attendees can discover products that can enhance their workspaces and improve mission efficiency. Engage with industry leaders, troubleshoot challenges, and find solutions tailored to your specific needs. Maximize your workspace and productivity with the innovative solutions showcased at the Tech Expo.


What is the purpose of the Tech Expo?

The purpose of the Tech Expo is to bring together industry exhibitors with different IT technologies, solutions, and products for base personnel to network with and explore.

Can I troubleshoot equipment issues with industry representatives?

Yes, industry representatives are available to visit shops and offices to provide demonstrations and troubleshoot equipment issues.

What are some of the technologies showcased at the Tech Expo?

The Tech Expo features a wide range of technologies, including rapidly deployable shelters, data management clouds, night vision, dock and lock laptop security cabinets, and mobile fuel tanks.

Who can attend the Tech Expo?

The Tech Expo is free and open to all base personnel.

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