Fluency: The Revolutionary Ad Tech Company Making Waves in the Industry

Welcome to the remarkable story of Fluency, an ad tech company that has taken the industry by storm. In just under six years, Fluency has skyrocketed to become one of the fastest-growing private businesses in America. Led by CEO and Founder Mike Lane, this Vermont-based company has earned prestigious awards and created high-paying jobs across 18 states. Join us as we delve into the journey of Fluency and uncover the secrets behind their revolutionary solutions and rapid growth.

The Birth of Fluency: A Visionary Venture

Discover how Fluency came to be and the driving force behind its creation.

In November 2017, former Dealer.com co-founder and CEO Mike Lane embarked on a new entrepreneurial journey by co-founding Fluency. After taking some time off, Lane's passion for solving puzzles and building profitable businesses led him to gather a team of ad tech experts.

With 20 years of combined experience, the team recognized the untapped potential in the ad tech industry and set out to create a revolutionary product. Their deep understanding of the complexities of ad tech allowed them to develop a solution that stood out in a nuanced and competitive space.

Fluency's birth was not only driven by a desire for success but also by a shared vision to build a company that offered a fruitful, enjoyable, and unique work environment. Their journey began at the Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies (VCET), where the collaborative atmosphere and vibrant community provided the perfect foundation for growth.

Revolutionizing the Ad Tech Landscape

Explore the groundbreaking solutions that set Fluency apart from its competitors.

Fluency's team of ad tech experts leveraged their extensive knowledge and experience to develop a product that revolutionized the industry. Their deep understanding of the complexities of ad tech allowed them to create a solution that addressed the unique challenges faced by advertisers.

One of the key factors that sets Fluency apart is their ability to anticipate future needs and build solutions that solve problems before they arise. By looking ahead and adopting a forward-thinking approach, Fluency ensures that their product remains relevant and valuable in an ever-evolving industry.

Fluency's revolutionary solutions have not only earned them recognition but have also contributed to their rapid growth. Their ability to deliver innovative and effective ad tech solutions has attracted clients from across the country, solidifying their position as a leader in the industry.

Creating a Positive Work Environment

Learn how Fluency has fostered a work environment that attracts top talent and promotes growth.

Fluency's success goes beyond their innovative solutions. CEO Mike Lane takes pride in creating a work environment that people want to be a part of. By prioritizing employee satisfaction and well-being, Fluency has attracted top talent from across the country.

With employees in 18 states, Fluency has managed to strike a balance between profitability and growth while maintaining a positive work culture. Their commitment to creating a collaborative and enjoyable work environment has been instrumental in their ability to retain and attract top talent.

Fluency's dedication to building a great company extends beyond their products and services. By fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment, they have created a company culture that promotes growth, creativity, and employee satisfaction.

The Future of Fluency

Discover Fluency's plans for the future and their commitment to building a great company.

When asked about a potential exit strategy, CEO Mike Lane firmly states that their focus is on building a great company rather than seeking an acquisition. With no preconceived date in mind, Fluency is dedicated to continuing their rapid growth and delivering innovative solutions to their clients.

As Fluency looks towards the future, they remain committed to their core values of innovation, collaboration, and creating a positive impact. With their visionary leadership and talented team, Fluency is poised to make even greater waves in the ad tech industry.

So, what's next for Fluency? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain - they are here to stay, revolutionizing the ad tech landscape and setting new standards for success.


Fluency's remarkable journey from a visionary venture to becoming one of the fastest-growing private businesses in America is a testament to their innovative solutions and commitment to excellence. Led by CEO Mike Lane, Fluency has not only revolutionized the ad tech landscape but also created a positive work environment that attracts top talent.

With their forward-thinking approach and dedication to building a great company, Fluency is poised to continue making waves in the industry. Their revolutionary solutions, combined with their talented team, position them as a leader in the ad tech space.

As Fluency looks towards the future, their commitment to innovation, collaboration, and creating a positive impact remains unwavering. With their visionary leadership and talented team, Fluency is set to shape the future of ad tech and redefine success in the industry.

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